Difference between Micro Computer and Mini Computer


the introduction of minicomputer

What is the main difference between microcomputer and minicomputer are mostly multi-clients computer where more than one client work at a time. These computers are mostly used by small and medium-sized companies and departments. 

Some examples of minicomputer are 

  • Prime 9955
  • Hewlett-Packard HP 3000 series and HP 2100 series.
  • Norsk Data Nord-1, Nord-10, and Nord-100.
  • Honeywell-Bull DPS 6/DPS 6000 series.

 difference between microcomputer and minicomputer | minicomputer images

  • A small size computer packed with power has limited computation capabilities. Introduced in 1960 for operating a business and using scientific applications.
  • A specific class of very powerful computers is designed to replicate or simulate nature phenomena.
  • Less expensive, Lightweight, portable, fast, reliable, easy to use and maintain, multitasking, multiprocessing capabilities, don't have specific needs to cooling/AC, etc., can be charged and used without power, Networking capabilities.
  • Very expensive, very high processing speed ranging from 100 to 900 MIPS, memory in gigabytes.
  • Multiprocessor unit, Smaller in size than a mainframe, but larger than Microcomputer, multitasking, and multiprogramming supported, Timesharing, batch, and Online processing capabilities.
  • Had multiple microprocessors, very large storage capacity, special cooling using cryogenic fluid, Operate on pair of lists of numbers.
  • Don't have CD/DVD drive, the keyboard is smaller in size, Not enough storage capacity, small display, etc.
  • Very expensive, takes up lots of space,has  very high power consumption, maintenance requires skilled staff,and  heating issues.


What is a minicomputer used for? | difference between microcomputer and minicomputer

Minicomputers are mainly used as small or midrange servers, operating businesses, and scientific applications. However, the use of the term minicomputers has diminished and has merged with servers.

  • It is used to perform fast computing in business areas like calculation, storing records, etc.
  • Minicomputers offer multiprocessing and multitasking.
  • Primarily used by sub-departments of companies to offload the company mainframe's work.
  • e.g. And inventory department might use a mini to provide better control of stock and to make predictions about future needs.


Is laptop a minicomputer? | examples of minicomputer

No, the laptop is not a minicomputer it is basically referred to as Microcomputer when a microcomputer is equipped with a keyboard or screen for input and output and is running an operating system (DOS, Windows, Linux, etc) it is called a Personal computer example - Laptop

Whereas minicomputers, which were primarily used from 1960 to 1980, are generally larger but have limited functionality and slower processor

What are the features of a minicomputer? | difference between microcomputer and minicomputer

Minicomputers are digital computers generally used in multi-user systems. They have a high processing speed and higher storage capacity than microcomputers.

Minicomputers can support 4-200 users simultaneously. The users can access the minicomputer through their PCs or terminal. They are used for real-time applications in industries, research centers, etc. PDP 11, and IBM (800 series are some of the widely used minicomputers.



How many user can use a mini computer?

They have a high processing speed and higher storage capacity than microcomputers. Minicomputers can support 4-200 users simultaneously. The users can access the minicomputer through their PCs or terminal.

Who invented minicomputer?

First invented by IBM Corporation, Introduced in 1960 for operating a business and using scientific applications.

Is a tablet a mini computer?

Yes, A tablet is a mini-computer.

What is the most powerful computer in the world?

Fugaku supercomputer is located in Japan. It is specially designed to deliver real-time tsunami prediction with a speed of 442 petaflops.

Are minicomputers still used?

Yes, minicomputers are still used in business areas like calculation, storing records, etc, to perform faster computing. I

Which of the following is a minicomputer?

1) Prime 9955 2) Hewlett-Packard HP 3000 series and HP 2100 series. 3) Norsk Data Nord-1, Nord-10, Nord-100, etc.

Which is the least powerful computer?

The microcomputer is the least powerful computer due to the reason to support a single processor.

What is the memory of a minicomputer?

Minicomputer memory size 32,000-64,000 16 b-bits words, or 16000-32000 32-bit words; with a processing speed of 200-300 KIPS but generally register size is 8-18 bits.

When were the first minicomputer built?

In 1958, the first minicomputer was built named PDP-1

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